quinta-feira, 12 de junho de 2008

Worshop number two

Alessandra Maria Amarante Masson gave us the second workshop. She teaches at Colégio Maria José and Peanuts English School in Poços de Caldas, MG.

We spent the afternoon on Friday(April 11th) and the hole day on Saturday(April 12th) with her and it was fantastic. One Friday we started to have so much fun together!Alessandra teachs with love,and it's very important.

Teaching Vocabulary

When I read about to teach vocabulary and I discuss it with my classmates I could see how can I help my students to build their own vocabulary and I've found it isn't difficult. I can show them objects or flashcards or I can work with them musics or a lot of kinds of games.

Well, we have to encourage our learners to look carefully at the context of words and help them to improve their vocabulary even more.

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